Product Weight: 100 g
- Vidhyanjali’s Indigo Powder is a pure natural product like Vidhyanjali’s Mehandika (henna leaves) are made from indigo leaves that are hand-picked, sun-dried and crushed to form a powder. Indigo, when applied on hair, starts to give a deep blue color but it takes 24 to 48 hours to give exact color as it needs this much time to oxidate. It is a natural Colorant for hairs. It provides hair softness and shines with a deep blue color effect. When the indigo powder is mixed with henna and applied to hairs it gives good dark brown shade and repairs the damaged hairs.
- It is an all-natural hair dye that does not harm your hair in any way.
- When mixed with henna, it gives your hair a rich brown color.
- When applied over henna treated hair, it gives a lush black color.
- Regular use of indigo on hair can treat and prevent premature greying.
- Indigo hair oil stimulates new hair growth and prevents scalp infections.
- Indigo hair oil also treats dandruff and conditions your hair.
Key Ingredients

100% organic Indigo Leaf Powder
Ingredient's Source
It's source
100% organic Indigo Leaf Powder
Hand picked from the wild crafted Indigo plants in Sojat City, Rajasthan, India
Best For
- Normal skin
- Combination skin
- Dry Skin
- Oily Skin
All Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
It helps in balancing the Crown Chakra. The crown chakra is our connection with the universe or God. It is our energy that reaches up to the sky.
It helps in balancing the Root Chakra which is located at the base of the spine. When this chakra is in balance, we feel grounded, secure, and have a confident relationship with money. In excess of the root chakra, we can become lazy, overweight, and hoard objects. Conversely, when we have too little, we are flighty, distracted, underweight, and lose objects frequently.
It helps in balancing the Root Chakra which is located at the base of the spine. When this chakra is in balance, we feel grounded, secure, and have a confident relationship with money. In excess of the root chakra, we can become lazy, overweight, and hoard objects. Conversely, when we have too little, we are flighty, distracted, underweight, and lose objects frequently.
Colour Therapy
The blue color of Indigo powder relaxes and balances all the chakras.
Seasonal Concerns
Dry damaged hair, scalp problems, dandruff, itching, greying of hair can be treated by Indigo Powder. This also nourishes hair and make them soft and shiny.
How To Use
Indigo Powder is applied after applying Mehandika. Take a sufficient amount in a mixing bowl depending upon your hair length.
Mix it with water to make a paste and keep it aside for at least an hour.
Apply on hair and leave it for 45 minutes.
Rinse thoroughly.
One can also mix both Mehandika and Indigo Powder in equal quantity in water and soak it for a few hours to apply for 90 minutes.
Product Weight: 100 g
- Vidhyanjali’s Indigo Powder is a pure natural product like Vidhyanjali’s Mehandika (henna leaves) are made from...
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