Product Weight: 50 ML
Carrot Seed Sunscreen SPF-40 is made with pure carrot seed oil and aloe vera extract – a natural and herbal way to protect the skin against the harmful UV radiations. The carrot seed oil contains Sun Protection Factor (SPF) up to 40, that successfully protects from sunburn, harmful effects of UV rays and tanning. The downside of carrot seed oil is that it has a pungent odor hence not liked by many people in the first go however after 2/3 application people often likes the smell and become addictive. It’s a natural detoxifier, disinfectant, and antiseptic that helps kill fungi and bacteria. Apart from sun-protection, it also provides beauty benefits because of the presence of lavender essential oil in it.
Carrot Seed Sunscreen SPF-40 is made with pure carrot seed oil and aloe vera extract – a natural and herbal way to protect the skin against the harmful UV radiations. The carrot seed oil contains Sun Protection Factor (SPF) up to 40, that successfully protects from sunburn, harmful effects of UV rays and tanning. The downside of carrot seed oil is that it has a pungent odor hence not liked by many people in the first go however after 2/3 application people often likes the smell and become addictive. It’s a natural detoxifier, disinfectant, and antiseptic that helps kill fungi and bacteria. Apart from sun-protection, it also provides beauty benefits because of the presence of lavender essential oil in it.
Key Ingredients


carrot Seeds Oil

Coconut Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Soya Lecithin

Sodium Benzoate

Potassium Sorbate

Ingredient's Source
It's source
Coconut Oil
Organic, Cold Rotary Pressed from Kangayam, Tamilnadu
Lavender Essenrial Oil
Steam Distillation of Lavender Flowers comes from Queensland and New South Wales, Australia
Best For
- Normal skin
- Combination skin
- Oily Skin
- Sensitive Skin
Carrot Seed Sunscreen SPF-40 helps in treating the Pitta Dosha. Carrot seed oil along with a combination of other oils, helps in deep cleansing, maintaining the natural moisture level of the skin.
The lavender essential oil works best on the Heart Chakra. The heart chakra is the center of love both for yourself and others. When it is in balance we give and receive love appropriately. And when out of balance we either are unable to love or we are too dependent on others to justify our love.

It will ease the digestion problem and anxiety issues.
It will ease the digestion problem and anxiety issues.

They like to see the best in the people around them so this will help them to enhance their personality, promote good health and reduce inflammation.
They like to see the best in the people around them so this will help them to enhance their personality, promote good health and reduce inflammation.
Colour Therapy
Carrot Seed oil is associated with the Orange color. It has a cleansing quality that clears a saddened heart and physically too, it helps purify the liver.
Seasonal Concerns
Carrot Seed Sunscreen SPF-40 helps in protecting the skin from the harmful UV radiations of the sun. It also helps in preventing the skin from getting tanned.
How To Use
Take liberal amount on your palm and use it all over your face & body (parts exposed) after bath and before going out in sunlight.
Product Weight: 50 ML
Carrot Seed Sunscreen SPF-40 is made with pure carrot seed oil and aloe vera extract – a...
Carrot Seed Sunscreen SPF-40 is made with pure carrot seed oil and aloe vera extract – a...
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