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It costs ₹ 23/- per kg to make desi ghee!
Popularly known as The Leather City, Kanpur is located 10-12 km from Jajmau on the banks of the Ganges. If you go for a walk, you will have to close your nose! There are hundreds of furnaces burning on the banks of the Ganges! In these furnaces, the fat released after cutting the animals is dissolved!
Mainly 3 things are made from this fat!
(1) Enamel Paint (which is applied on the walls of your homes!)
(2) Glue (fevicol) etc., which we use to add paper, wood
(3) The most important thing that is made is "desi ghee".
Yes, the so-called "pure desi ghee"
This desi ghee is openly sold in the wholesale markets here for 120 to 150 rupees per kg! It is colloquially called "Pooja Wala Ghee"!
It is used the most by the devotees who store it! People are earning amazing virtue by buying a 15 kg tin and donating it to temples!
You can't recognize this "pure desi ghee" at all!
This good-looking poison is also unmatched in fragrance with the help of essence!
Factories making vegetable ghee spread in every corner of the industrial area also buy this poison in abundance, people in the village countryside enjoy laddu made from this vegetable ghee at wedding weddings! This is how vegetables curries taste in wedding parties! Some people unknowingly think of themselves as vegetarians! Who does not even touch meat and eggs all his life, do you know that they enjoyed the hot vegetable curries at the wedding? In it, the fat of one of your neighbors' cattle herder's (buffalo's male child) has reached your vegetable curry via Kanpur! How much vegetarian and fasting people will be able to handle in life can be easily guessed!
Now think for yourself what you will get in the vegetable ghee etc. you eat!
It's no big deal that even big companies that claim to sell desi ghee are using it to fill their pockets!
Therefore, the debate about who is selling ghee for how much is meaningless,
If you want to eat pure ghee, then you can eat pure food only by keeping a cow in your house.